Our trusted partners

Partner Testimonials

  • Charity Chandler Cole - CEO
    “It is our duty to support organizations like BOK. And we are here to serve together!”
    Charity Chandler Cole - CEO
  • Our youth is our future! It is our pleasure to spread the 10X knowledge with our kids at BOK. Let's keep leading together, 10X style!
    Grant Cardone Foundation
  • Angelica
    “You guys have blessed me so much! Continue doing your good work for the youth! You are a Pillar!”
    CEO of The Shaderoom

Partner Application

Here at BOK, we’re always excited to work with partners and sponsors who want to positively impact the world and support Foster Youth.

If you’d like to support us in our drive to help and change the lives of foster youth, please complete the application below. Upon receipt of your application one of our team will reach out to discuss the next steps.
We thank you for your consideration.